Disclosure Policy
Fundamental Policy
Rasa Corporation is dedicated to making information about the company available to all market participants in an activemanner while exercising care to maintain the fairness of disclosure activities. The objectives are to receive a proper assessment in securities markets of the company’s value and to preserve the transparency of management. To accomplish these goals, we have an information gathering framework that is speedy and comprehensive and we perform analysis using official procedures that are timely, legal and accurate.
Information Officer
General Manager of Corporate Planning Office
Disclosure Policy
(1) Standard for information disclosure
Rasa Corporation discloses information in accordance with the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations as well as the timely disclosure provisions for company information in the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (“timely disclosure rules” hereafter). Information concerning decisions, events and financial information that may significantly influence investment decisions is disclosed promptly in accordance with the timely disclosure rules. Even when information is not subject to these rules, we actively make public information that we believe is important or useful regarding investors’ understanding of Rasa Corporation.
(2) Disclosure methods
Information subject to the timely disclosure rules is registered and announced using TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Next, the information is provided at once to the media through the Tokyo Stock Exchange Press Club (Kabuto Club) and posted on the Rasa Corporation website.
(3) Earnings forecasts and other forward-looking information
Forecasts, plans, strategies, targets and other information that is not a historical fact are forward-looking statements. These statements are outlooks based on judgments using information that was currently available and thus incorporate many uncertainties. Actual results of operations or other future events may differ significantly from these statements due to a variety of risk factors and other sources of uncertainty.
(4) Silent period
To ensure the fairness of information disclosure, Rasa Corporation establishes a silent period that begins on the end of each quarterly fiscal period, including the fiscal year end, and ends on the day after the announcement of results of operations. During this period, we are unable to answer any questions concerning results of operations and our outlook or make any comments. However, in the event that results of operations are expected to differ significantly from the forecast, we will disclose information properly during a silent period in accordance with the timely disclosure rules.
Internal Structure for Timely Disclosure
(1) Disclosure procedure and process for decisions
- Organizational decisions about important items that are classified as decisions under the timely disclosure rules are made by the Board of Directors (meetings are held once each month and at other times as needed with the attendance of the corporate auditors).
- The information officer decides whether or not to disclose resolutions of the Board of Directors in accordance with the timely disclosure rules.
- As needed, an attorney, audit firms and/or main securities company will be asked to submit advice concerning the decision regarding whether or not to disclose an item.
- When the Board of Directors reaches a decision (including disclosure) concerning an important item, the information officer is instructed to promptly disclose the information.
(2) Disclosure procedure and process for events
- The information officer will be notified immediately once a division manager or branch manager acquires information about the occurrence of an event that is subject to the timely disclosure rules.
- The information officer will discuss the matter with the division or branch manager, reach a decision about the importance of the matter, and then reach a decision about whether or not to disclose the information in accordance with the timely disclosure rules.
- When there is doubt about whether or not an event should be disclosed, an attorney, audit firms and/or main securities company will be asked to submit advice.
- The information officer will report the matter to the Board of Directors or the company president and, after receiving approval, the information will be promptly announced.